Why Tallow?

The lipids in tallow are nearly identical to those found in human healthy skin.  These lipids create a protective barrier that moisturizes the skin while repairing the cell’s structure and providing a supple and youthful appearance due to its ability to fight free radicals naturally. Sebum found in human skin and Tallow share uncanny similarities that send a message to your skin that something is “familiar” and “belongs” unlike plant oils.  When you combine anti-aging essential oils, your skin doesn’t think twice, it gratefully welcomes and draws in the tallow with a friendy, “come on in!”. 

This allows tallow combined with our carefully and purposefully chosen essential oils to be absorbed into the skin and not sit on the surface like so many other creams on the market. Our tallow is harvested from humanely raised grass-fed cows and is triple washed after a long and tedious rendering process.  It is free from any and all synthetic growth hormones or antibiotics. Grass-fed tallow is full of vitamins A, D, E, & K and antioxidants.  Cattle that graze solely on grass and allowed to bask in the sunshine have copious amounts of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) that is stored in fat cells, specifically around the kidneys where our tallow is sourced from. Tallow does not clog pores and quickly and easily penetrates the skin.  It has been used since the days of the Egyptians and has been a prized beauty cream in France for ages.